Health First -Keeping you safe -Maria Apartments Pefkos
It has been a long winter time for many of us, we have been in our homes for weeks and for some it is an ordeal to step out of the house and, if we are lucky, gardens and into the post Covid 19 world. The thought of travelling and the possibility of holidays has kept many of us from despair over these past 3/4 months . We are all looking forward to summer sunshine, clear blue skies and some swimming in the lovely seas off Pefkos.
If you are feeling nervous about travelling then please don’t.
Aeroplanes are most probably the cleanest places to sit at the moment and the companies will take every precaution to ensure they stay germ free and clean.
Greece has had a very good record with containing the Covid19 virus with low transmission rates throughout the whole of the mainland and islands.
We have been working hard on our plans too. We have had to make some unobtrusive changes to the way we operate our business to ensure that you, our guests and ourselves keep safe and healthy in the following weeks and months whilst the virus is still around.
We look forward to welcoming you all back to Maria Apartments and will be posting through our website and Facebook page in the coming days and weeks as to the exact date of our re opening. Hoping for mid July, depending on flights.